Thank you GeoKureli and BrandyBuizel! Thank you SplatterDash! I appreciate everyone!
My song is used as one of the BGM of "Tankmas ADVENTure 2020"!
I also recommend this game. It is fun!
Making musical music is difficult for me. Especially, because I am strongly conscious of Disney works, it is extremely difficult. Moreover, there is a big problem. For a long time, I have respected and studied Mr. Alan Menken, but recently there are too many great musical musicians (especially Christmas or snow, this is an important theme). I am troubled by indecision.
Anyway, happy holidays and I wish everyone good health.
We had so many fond memories of the song in our 2018 ADVENT so i had to include it :)
Thank you!!
I want to work even harder and keep getting better.