I love English and was once good enough to become an English teacher at a Japanese junior high school. However, that was in the past and since then my knowledge of English has been declining rapidly. So, as part of my language learning, I decided to submit some simple questions and comments about English language that are not easy for me (and that I should ask on HiNative or Quora) to Newgrounds. I am not an expert in English and may be making elementary mistakes, but thank you for your patience.
Reverse-ECCHIcation: 'Fapping' | English Is Not So Easy 12
See you next time. And as always, I'm watching you fap.
In fact, I first learned of the existence of the word "fap" from ZTV News. At first I assumed it meant something similar to "f--k" and didn't pay much attention to it, but then I discovered that it has an even more specific meaning.
Question about English (US)
What does fapping mean?
It means "masturbating". "Fapping" is an onomatopoeia for the sounds that a person makes when they masturbate.
What the..lol Thank you!
"Fapping" is an onomatopoeia! I remember now, in an American comic book, when the boy was rubbing his penis, there was a big *FAP FAP FAP* written on it. In other words, the word can be considered to have a similar origin to "ring" or "slap".
However, two questions came to mind here.
- Is the act of a boy having his girlfriend rub his penis also "fapping"?
- Is female masturbation also "fapping"?
Etymology 2
Onomatopeic Internet neologism from the sound of male masturbation, originally used in English translations of some adult Japanese manga, and popularized on the Internet by the webcomic The Thin H Line/Sexy Losers and other online sources.
"adult Japanese manga"?? It is amazing to see Japan here. It is not written here, but I am sure that they must have translated the Japanese word "シコシコ (shiko shiko)" into English. When I first learned the meaning and usage of "fapping", I subconsciously thought, "'fapping' is a word very similar to 'シコシコ (shiko shiko)'," but that was not by chance but by necessity.
Even more interestingly, the word seems to have been translated and used in various languages starting from the English word "fap".
→ Finnish: fäpätä
→ German: fappen, fappieren
→ Polish: fapać
→ Russian: фапать (fapatʹ)
The Japanese word "shiko shiko" is translated into English "fap", which in turn is imported into other languages around the world. Language is a living thing!
Jeden Tag fappe ich für meine Gesundheit... Just nothing.
(informal, Internet slang, vulgar) To indicate that someone (normally the speaker) is either masturbating, or inspired to by sexual arousal.
I was watching some porn – fap fap fap – when my computer crashed, again!
She's single?... *fap fap fap*
(informal, vulgar) Pornography.
(slang) To masturbate.
Exactly the same as in Japanese! Actually, "シコシコ (shiko shiko)" is internet slang too! The more I look into it, the more it seems that "fap" is a perfect equivalent of "シコシコ (shiko shiko)". If so, then I can guess the answer to the first question: Is the act of having your girlfriend rub your penis also 'fapping'? In Japan, the act of having someone rub your penis is NOT described as "fapping," but the sound is the same: *fap fap*. This is only in Japanese, but would the answer be the same in English? For example, in a situation like the one often seen in Japanese audio p-rn, where the succubus rubs your penis while your hands and feet are bound, does she whisper in your ear, "fap fap"? Please let me know what you think.
Second, in this article, I mentioned that the onomatopoeia for male masturbation is "fap" and "シコシコ (shiko shiko)". However, at least "シコシコ (shiko shiko)" cannot be used to describe female masturbation, and there is no equivalent word for female masturbation in Japanese. Until recently, I had also thought that "fapping" was a word that described only male masturbation, but I was very surprised when I saw the example sentences in wiktionary.
2014, Caitlin Moran, How to Build a Girl, Ebury 2015, p. 39:
For what reason – other than a knowing sadistic streak – would they have named something millions of teenage girls were fapping themselves senseless with ‘Mum’?
It is very difficult to read English in a literary work. All I could tell from the first reading was that this text is a novel written by a British author.
Typing this text into the search engine allowed me to read an even longer sample of the novel.
It was their way of fucking with our minds. The real test of how horny you were. Are you so desperate that you’d have sex with your Mum? To which my simple answer was — locking the bedroom door and lying on the floor — Yes.
My interpretation was as follows: The protagonist is a British teenage girl who has learned to masturbate with a can of deodorant spray that she finds closely resembles the shape of a dildo. But why is this can named "Mum"?
Is my interpretation correct? If so,... wow, I'll buy the novel.
From this example, I guess that "fapping" could also be used to describe female masturbation, but it is also possible that she was a person with a special sense of language.
The question "Can 'fapping' be used for female masturbation?" could easily be resolved by asking the opinions of native English speakers, but I personally feel that this question rather evolves into the even more difficult question "Is its usage established in the English-speaking world?" This is because the Japanese language actually faces this problem.
Let me talk about Japanese women here. Thanks to otaku culture, a very small number of women use the same word "シコシコ (shiko shiko)" as men, and this slang is becoming popular among women. Meanwhile, female manga artist Kabi Nagata invented a new onomatopoeia, "ぬこぬこ (nuko nuko)", in her manga "My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness". As a native Japanese speaker, I have never heard of an example of a woman describing female masturbation as "シコる (shiko ru; fap)" but upon investigation, I discovered that a very small number of women use the term, and at the same time, a totally new onomatopoeia has been created. The terminology for female masturbation in Japan is currently in the process of development, and it is very difficult at this stage to describe it in dictionary terms. I guess that the same situation is occurring in the English-speaking world. Again, language is a living thing.
Incidentally, it is not certain whether "ぬこぬこ (nuko nuko)" will become widely used in the future, but I personally like this expression best.
[For Japanese language learners]
In the article, I mentioned that "the act of a boy having a girl rub his penis" in Japanese is not "シコる (fap)". In Japanese, this situation is expressed as "彼女に抜いてもらう (lit. to have one's girlfriend pull out)". Pull what out?? I don't know. The etymology of the word is a mystery even to me. But the phrase exists.... Do you know anything about this problem?